Illegal Member initialization

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-21 16:18:11


I am using this pretty simple class without using any inheritance.

class A
  int a;
  int b;

 A(int x, int y) { a = x; b = y;}
 A() :A(0,0){};
} ;

int main ()
  A a1, a2(5, 7) ;

I get this error.

error C2614: 'A' : illegal member initialization: 'A' is not a base or member

There are similar questions on SO but they relate to inheritance. Can someone explain the reason and what does standard say about that?


It would be better if someone elaborate more on the forwarding constructor and this feature in C++11.


If you can use C++11, you could initialize A() from A(int, int). This is not possible in C++03, where you have to write two separate constructors.

If you want your code to work in C++03, you have two options:

  • Create a function init(int, int) and call it from each of your constructors. This is a good choice if your constructor does a lot of work.
  • Duplicate behaviour in both constructors. This is a good choice when all you are doing are member initializations.

You can also call a base constructor from a child class constructor. For instance, if you have

class A {
    A(int, int);
class B : public A {
    B(int, int);

You could write

B::B(int x, int y) : A(x,y) {}

This is what your compiler means when it says that A is not a base, it is expecting this situation.

All of these are compatible with C++03.

You could also upgrade your compiler to support C++11 features. I wouldn't recommend this if you are working in Linux and want your project to compile in Windows because Windows compilers don't implement all the C++ features that Linux compilers do (unless you pay for a good compiler).


that's because of your problem with the constructor at :

From the looks of your error message, I am assuming you're on Visual Studio (probably 2010) and I agree, it doesn't work in VS2010.

A:A(0,0){ }

Fix for VS 2010 and its predecessors: A():a(0),b(0){}


You can not do this way A() :A(0,0){}; this way is used to initialize class base members.


or if you wish define private: void set(int x, int y); and use it in constructors.


A() :A(0,0){}; is called constructor chaining.

You should check that you compiler accept C++11. Constructor chaining is only valid in C++11. It was not available before.

What compiler do you use ?


You are attempting to use a delegating constructor, which is a language feature that was only introduced in C++11, and which is not yet implemented in every compiler.

