.NET Reflector for Mono [closed]

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-21 03:21:15


Is there an equivalent of .NET Reflector for Mono? Quick googling did not find anything... Or can I run Reflector on Mono (say, in Mac OS X)?


As I was looking for a Mono decompiler, I found this page and tested the answers :

  • Mono.Cecil works great but it's a library and I was looking for a GUI
  • ILSpy doesn't run under Mono (Linux) since it uses WPF. Same for .NET CodeReflect, JustDecompile and dotPeek.
  • Perhaps Reflector works, but I don't really want to pay to know

Finally I found it was possible to decompile assemblies directly in MonoDevelop


Reflector works fine on Mono (at in older versions), provided you turn off the "Show PDB symbols" option.

Miguel de Icaza blogged about this at one point.


There is a new project called ILSPY that is trying to build an open source version of reflector: http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/ILSpy.ashx


reflector 6.0 dose not support Mono,only 5.1.7supports mono.

mono reflector.exe /compat



Have any one tried Mono Cecil ?

With Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, browse all the contained types, modify them on the fly and save back to the disk the modified assembly; potentially might even be more powerful than Reflector!

I am about to review it.


Mono Cecil. Red-Gate Reflector is totaly based on it. Se this RedGate forum post for more information.

