Mocking Laravel Eloquent models - how to set a public property with Mockery

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-20 17:41:17


I want to use a mock object (Mockery) in my PHPUnit test. The mock object needs to have both some public methods and some public properties set. The class is a Laravel Eloquent model. I tried this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('User');
$mock->shouldReceive('hasRole')->once()->andReturn(true); //works fine
$mock->roles = 2; //how to do this? currently returns an error

... but setting the public property returns this error:

BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_0_User::setAttribute() does not exist on this mock object

This error is not returned when mocking a simple class, but is returned when I try to mock an Eloquent model. What am I doing wrong?


If you want getting this property with this value, just use it:


If you call $user->role you will get - 2 ($user - its User mock class)


This answer is a bit late but hopefully it will help someone. You can currently set a static property on mocked Eloquent objects by using the 'alias' keyword:

$mocked_model = Mockery::mock('alias:Namespace\For\Model');
$mocked_model->foo = 'bar';
$this->assertEquals('bar', $mocked_model->foo);

This is also helpful for mocking external vendor classes like some of the Stripe objects.

Read about 'alias' and 'overload' keywords:


To answer your question, you could also try something like this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('User');
$mock->shouldReceive('hasRole')->once()->andReturn(true); //works fine
$mock->roles = 2; 

$this->assertEquals(2, $mock->roles);

Or, as suggested by seblaze, use a partial mock:

$mock = Mockery::mock('User[hasRole]');
$mock->roles = 2; 
$this->assertEquals(2, $mock->roles);

But, from your code snippet, if you're writing unit tests, you should really only make one assertion per each test:

function test_someFunctionWhichCallsHasRole_CallsHasRole() {
    $mock = Mockery::mock('User');


function test_someFunctionWhichCallsHasRole_hasRoleReturnsTrue_ReturnsTrue() {
    $mock = Mockery::mock('User');

    $result = $mock->someFunctionWhichCallsHasRole();



Spy is your friend on this:

$mock = Mockery::spy('User');
$mock->roles = 2;


Tried this? It should cover you issue.

I'd say implement these

protected $roles = array();

public function setRoles($roles)
    $this->roles = $roles;

public function addRole($role)
    $this->roles[] = $role;

Then you can test using:

$mock = Mockery::mock('User');

This apse gives you the opportunity to promise a format when you do a getRoles() which would be array of Role object if you do SOLID OOP, or if you rather use array, then at least you know it's always an array you get.


Did you tried to do partial mocks ? You can try something like ( NOT TESTED ) :

$mock = Mockery::mock('User[hasRole]');
$mock->roles = 2; 


Partial Mock in Laravel 5.3

$mock = Mockery::mock(App\User::class)->makePartial();
$mock->roles = 2; 
$this->assertEquals(2, $mock->roles);


you can use stdclass in this case.

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->roles = 2;
$mock = Mockery::mock('User');
// return stdclass here.
$mock->roles = 2;
$this->assertEquals(2, $mock->roles);

