Advanced Usage of Ranges with Vim Keymappings

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-20 05:52:08


I have a mapping in my vimrc that downwardly comments out regions of c code:

nmap comc :normal! I//<ESC>

Since the 'normal' ex command implicitly converts input such as "Ncomc" to ".,.+N-1 comc", I can range comments downwardly without many keystrokes and without leaving normal mode. This is, however, a very limited subset of what vim ranges can do. If I'm willing to be verbose, I can achieve upward ranging comments like so:

.,.-5 normal comc 

While editing text, I would much prefer to type something like "-6comc" or make a mapping of "Comc" that uses upward ranges. I'm haven't been able to do so successfully.

Similarly, range operations support commenting until a search pattern is reached, e.g :

.,/int main/ comc

I would, however, like to do so without all that typing.


The behavior you requested is normally done with :h map-operator mapping. With this commenting 3 lines down will turn into comc2j though, but 3 lines up is now just as easy: comc2k.

You can also use visual mode without changing your mapping at all: V2kcomc. You will have to add xnoremap with the identical lhs and rhs because nnoremap works only for normal mode. (And do not use nmap.)

Third option is mapping - to something that moves {count} lines up and puts count back:

nnoremap <expr> - (v:count ? ":\<C-u>\n" . (v:count-1) . 'k' . v:count : '')

. This assumes you are writing 6-comc, not -6comc.

// By the way, I would suggest The NERD Commenter if it comes to the plugin.


While it's commendable to go as far as possible without any plugins, sometimes they're just the best option. What will you do when you start working in a language that has comments with # or (*...*)? Add new mappings for these comment characters?

I recommend commentary.vim which does filetype-aware commenting.

The default commenting operator in commentary.vim is gc. You can combine it with motions, and use it in Visual mode too.

Your use cases:

  • Comment downwards N lines (say, 3): :.,.+3normal gcc, or gc3j or 4gcc.

  • Comment upwards 5 lines: :.,.-5normal gcc, or simply gc5k.

  • Comment until int main: :.,/int main/-1normal gcc, or simply gc/int main followed by Enter.

