AcceptTcpClient vs AcceptSocket

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-19 03:14:27


I want to write a simple multi threaded server-client application and I've stumbled on those two while creating tcplistenr

public void serverListenr
        int MessageLength=0;
        TcpListener peerListener = _infrastructure_TcpServerAndClient.CreateNewTcpListenerANDstart();
        while (true)
            //var Client = peerListener.AcceptTcpClient or   peerListener.AcceptSocket(); ?? 
           new Thread(ServeData).Start(client);

they have the same description

What is the difference between those two ?


AcceptTcpClient returns TcpClient, whereas AcceptSocket returns a Socket. Due to this, they can also throw different errors

Naturally your next question will be what's the difference between those two. TcpClient is a wrapper around a Socket, with some minor performance implications. See this.

