Set “OTHER_LDFLAGS” through command line with xcodebuild

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-18 17:33:53


I have successfully compiled the project through command line.But i want set library(.a) file through command line .

It successfully build with below command /Users/Mahen/Documents/workspace/TestingApplication/Test/Test.xcodeproj -configuration Debug build

Now I want set Linking .a file through command line. I have try set "OTHER_LDFLAGS" option with -force_load /Users/Mahen/Documents/workspace/Test.iOS/build/Debug-iphoneos/libTest.a -lstdc++

But it couldn't load , Can you suggest the right way Linking .a files through the command line?



I'm not clear what your exact problem is, but hopefully one of these will help you or somebody else:

To override an option you go xcodebuild "OPTIONNAME=newvalue"

xcodebuild "OTHER_LDFLAGS= .... "

Note that this will override any other "OTHER_LDFLAGS" that you might have had in the actual xcode project.

To link a library libNAME.a you need to include in the linker flags -lNAME and also have the location of libNAME.a on the library search path -Lpath/to/my/libraries.

xcodebuild "OTHER_LDFLAGS=-Liphoneos -lTest"

To force the library to link even if there is no dependency (e.g. to include gtest cases) then you need to use -force_load path/to/my/libraries/libNAME.a

xcodebuild "OTHER_LDFLAGS=-force_load iphoneos/libTest.a"


To set OTHER_LDFLAGS from the command-line you would do it like so (note the placement of the quotation marks):

  -configuration Debug build
  OTHER_LDFLAGS="-ObjC -weak_framework CoreMotion"

