Custom R package on OpenCPU / Package found, but no functions visible

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-13 16:22:12


CI have written an R package for OpenCPU and want to use it on my own Cloud server. I cannot access any functions even though the package itself is recognized and can be updated, and I can access other (non-custom, e.g. base or stats) packages normally via POST and GET.

I have installed the custom package together with all dependencies to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library and I can use the functions from within an R session locally on the server.

> TestConnectivity
function (x = 100) 
<environment: namespace:MyPkg>
> TestConnectivity()
[1] 4.174071

The function is exported correctly (documentation using roxygen2):

> getNamespaceExports("MyPkg")
[1] "TestConnectivity"

but when I access it via OpenCPU (either through the browser or through curl) at /ocpu/library/MyPkg/R/TestConnectivity, I get:

object 'TestConnectivity' not found

In call:
get(reqobject, paste("package", reqpackage, sep = ":"), inherits = FALSE)

/ocpu/library/MyPkg/R/ is blank as well (normally, a list of exported functions is expected), but the package itself is visible via browser at /ocpu/library/MyPkg/:

    Information on package 'MyPkg'


Package:       MyPkg
Description:   in development ...
Type:          Package
Version:       0.1.2


TestConnectivity        Test Connectivity of OpenCPU
MyPkg                   Provide R analysis of stored data.
MyPkg-package           Calculation package

I have added its name to the preload field in /etc/opencpu/server.conf, but /ocpu/info only shows it as loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [n] MyPkg_0.1.2. I don't know, if that's a problem.

I also have added access rights to all files necessary for the package's functionality to /etc/apparmor.d/opencpu.d/custom, e.g. the DSN config files for an ODBC database connection.

The package itself consists not only of functions, but also of assembled R6 and S3 class definitions (inheritance within single files) - none of which are used within TestConnectivity(), nevertheless. The functions are also not always placed in files with the exact same name as the function - and sometimes several are combined in one file. (TestConnectivity() is placed within the corresponding TestConnectivity.R file - if it matters.)

Is there some constraint regarding the file structure when using OpenCPU in contrast to using a package locally, which might cause this problem? Or could the class definition files be the cause of the trouble? Any suggestions are appreciated.


thanks for the answer (and the great work on OpenCPU, btw...)!

I solved my issue by simply installing the package in /home/myUser/R/3.1/library, e.g. .libPaths()[1] (or R-LIBS-USER[1]) instead of /usr/local/lib/R/site-library.

I got there by incrementally building up a more and more complex test package... and at the point where I nearly had the structure of my actual project, it still worked. Only difference was the installation path.

All in all it's probably an issue with the rights-management on my virtual machine rather than with OpenCPU or my package. I am sorry that I cannot provide more information - if I stumble onto something, I will add it here.

EDIT - I forgot: Of course, the url changes from /ocpu/library/MyPkg/R/ to /ocpu/user/MyUsername/library/MyPkg/R/.

