Download Artifactory artifact using Jenkins and deploy

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-13 15:22:22


We have a Jenkins/Maven/Wildfly/Artifactory job that builds and deploys EAR file on wildfly and then in Artifactory.

I'm trying to create another Jenkins manual job that retrieves a specific build from Artifactory and deploys to Wildfly.

How do I tell Jenkins to retrieve artifacts from Artifactory? I'm using 'Copy artifacts from another project'.

Is there a similar plugin that will help me to download artifacts from Artifactory?



The artifactory plugin for Jenkins has the option to "resolve" artifacts, i.e. download them from Artifactory.

This may require the Pro version of Artifactory though.

To configure it:

  • install the plugin (
  • on the job configuration page, enable "Generic Artifactory Integration".
  • go to "Resolved Artifacts" and enter the artifacts to resolve/download - the question-mark icon on that page will tell you more about the syntax.

