Add a tableViewCell to a new TableView by tapping a button

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-13 06:13:35


I want that ,if the users taps a button, these tableCell should be added to a new tableView (where you can see your favorites).

I've one class Car where the content of the cars is synthesized:

#import "Car.h"
@implementation Car
@synthesize name;
@synthesize speed;
@synthesize selected;


The CarsViewController contains a tableView where you can find each car:

@implementation CarsViewController {
    NSArray *cars;

@synthesize tableView = _tableView;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    Car *car1 = [Car new]; = @"A1";
    car1.speed = @"200 km/h";
    car1.selected = FALSE;

  Car *car2 = [Car new]; = @"A2";
    car2.speed = @"220 km/h";
    car2.selected = FALSE;

cars = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:car1, car2, nil];

And finally the CarDetailViewController has the favorite-button. And if you click on it the cell of these car should be added to a new ViewController (with TableView). But what should I add to the method of CarDetailViewController?

- (IBAction)setFAV:(id)sender {
    // don't know what to write here    

Thanks in advance for all your answers.


So here is a little picture which shows how it should work.


In this method you need an array which hold all selected cars and u need to pass this array to newView controller there u use this array to show fav cars


Make your car array a NSMutableArray or create a new NSMutableArray with all your favourite cars and if the user clicks the button, add a new object to that array. Then, this array should be the data source of your tableview and after adding a new object to the NSMutableArray do

[tableview reloadData];


Your Car class could have a BOOL isFavorite; and then on a selection in the first tableView you could set the isFavorite property for the car at the index selected to YES. Then, in your favorite table view, one option is to show only those cars in your list who have the isFavorite = YES.


There are many ways to do this, and since you haven't specified when or where you're going to be using your Favorites Table View, one solution that might work for you is to use NSUserDefaults.

When the user hits the favorite button (Assuming you've already created and initialized an array)

[favoritesArray addObject:Car1];

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:favoritesArray forKey:@"favoriteCars"];

And then when you need to access this array to use as the data source for your Favorites TableView in another view controller:

NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"favoriteCars"]];

