PHP MySQL Multi-statement works on my webpage but not on XAMPP

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-13 04:03:50


So I use this code to connect to MySQL and execute multiple statements:

$connect=@mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass,false,65536) or die("Can't connect");

When connected I do:

mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tablename ...;\nINSERT INTO tablename ...;");

I use this code to execute backup files containing the same code above (\n=new line). When I run this script on my webpage (hosted server) it works but on my local computer where I use XAMPP it shows an error :

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT INTO tablename' at line 2

I have checked php.ini and I have safe_mode = Off and sql.safe_mode = Off too.

Any ideas what am I missing?


According to the PHP manual, mysql_query does not support multiple queries. However, in the comments there's a guy stating that it it possible:

However, multiple queries seem to be supported. You just have to pass flag 65536 as mysql_connect's 5 parameter (client_flags). (Source)

On the other hand, manual only mentions two parameters to the function, so I wonder what we are supposed to pass as the 3rd and 4th parameters if that 5th one really does the trick!

