Uncaught Error: Module name “lib/chai” has not been loaded yet for context: use require([])

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-13 02:46:58


i m using karma-mocha ..my karma.conf file is working with karma-jasmine...but not working with karma-mocha....my karma.conf file:--

module.exports = function(config){

    basePath : '../app',

    preprocessors: {

    ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
      prependPrefix: '/'

    files : [

    autoWatch : true,

    frameworks: ['mocha','requirejs','chai'],

    browsers : ['Chrome'],

    plugins : [

    junitReporter : {
      outputFile: 'test_out/unit.xml',
      suite: 'unit'



you are missing chai lib path files array in which is dependency to mocha.include it.

files : [


I came across a similar situation just with Jasmine. I'd like to introduce my solution.

Try it what is written in the error message. There is a link to a website: http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#notloaded

//If this code is not in a define call,
//DO NOT use require('foo'), but use the async
//callback version:
require(['foo'], function (foo) {
    //foo is now loaded.

My case written for Jasmine in Coffee script looks like this:

sinon = require(['sinon', 'jasmine-sinon']) (foo)->

Now I can use sinon as an object in my unit test and can also follow the documentation of sinon, as well as jasmin-sinon.

