

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-01-28 09:22:40
使用智能合约编程语言solidity编写的智能合约,除了可以直接通过以太坊的工具链truffle,ganache-cli进行测试之外,还可以结合mocha进行单元测试。 mocha单元测试本质上,还是需要对合约进行编译、部署,只不过可以通过代码的形式进行直观的操作,而不是通过truffle命令来进行编译、部署、测试。 首先,构建工程,我们可以根据构建node项目的方式构建: 添加依赖:package.json "dependencies": { "ganache-cli": "^6.12.2", "mocha": "^8.2.1", "solc": "^0.4.26", "web3": "^1.3.3" } 项目结构这里简单遵循以太坊项目的结构建立一个contracts文件夹,用来保存合约。然后在contracts目录下新建HelloWorld.sol pragma solidity ^0.4.23; contract HelloWorld{ string public name; constructor(string _name) public{ name = _name; } function getName() public view returns(string){ return name; } function changeName(string _name)


瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-11 15:23:38
史上最全软件开发|程序员必备的工具集 软件开发程序员在整个产品研发的过程中起着很重要的作用, 由于经常研究各种技术,他不会精确记得所有语言代码的语法和API,他觉得没有Google和百度,几乎没法工作。他记的只是一个Key,一个如何找寻答案的索引,而不是全部 。正所谓 “工欲善其事必先利其器”我们程序员也是一样,选择一个好工具可以大大提升开发效率,下面是我使用的一些并且觉得很不错的软件,和大家分享下。 最后还会给大家介绍一款我最近在 测试全流程一站式的测试神器。 一、办公类: 软件开发工程师常用工具: 1.1、OneNote: 微软office自带的一款类似笔记本的软件,我一般所有的学习笔记都是放在上面的,跟有道云笔记类似,推荐使用,华为研发人员大多都是用这个,谁用谁知道 1.2、Teamviewer:这是一款非常好用的多人回忆演示等集一体的软件,类似于华为内部使用的Espace软件 1.3、腾讯文档: 1.4、Processon免费作图: 二、研发类: 2.1、Github: 适合团队开发人员之间共同开发时使用 2.2、SVN: https:/

How to send Headers ('Authorization','Bearer token') in Mocha Test cases

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-05 04:27:15
问题 I am writing a test case to test my API . When I try to test for any open API, it is working fine. But When I try to send Authorization Token along with my API, it is not working. Here is the code: The way i am sending headers is: .set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token) Is it the correct way of sending? I have tried to send the Authorization token in Auth. But not able to get the same. But when I tried to consume same in Postman, it is working fine. it("Get some random Info", function(done)

How to send Headers ('Authorization','Bearer token') in Mocha Test cases

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-01-05 04:25:32
问题 I am writing a test case to test my API . When I try to test for any open API, it is working fine. But When I try to send Authorization Token along with my API, it is not working. Here is the code: The way i am sending headers is: .set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token) Is it the correct way of sending? I have tried to send the Authorization token in Auth. But not able to get the same. But when I tried to consume same in Postman, it is working fine. it("Get some random Info", function(done)

How do I dynamically generate Mocha tests in a describe()'s before() block?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-12-30 09:16:41
问题 I am creating a mocha test suite that is testing a command line utility that our nwjs app is calling which takes files and produces an output json file. I have thousands of combinations of input files and my tests (it()s) that I want to generate depend on the contents of the json output from the cmdline utility. Mocha seems to want to require me to create all of the it()s upfront, but that means these scripts need to be run upfront and the json output captured. I was hoping to do: 'use strict

How do I dynamically generate Mocha tests in a describe()'s before() block?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-12-30 09:14:58
问题 I am creating a mocha test suite that is testing a command line utility that our nwjs app is calling which takes files and produces an output json file. I have thousands of combinations of input files and my tests (it()s) that I want to generate depend on the contents of the json output from the cmdline utility. Mocha seems to want to require me to create all of the it()s upfront, but that means these scripts need to be run upfront and the json output captured. I was hoping to do: 'use strict

How do I dynamically generate Mocha tests in a describe()'s before() block?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-12-30 09:14:50
问题 I am creating a mocha test suite that is testing a command line utility that our nwjs app is calling which takes files and produces an output json file. I have thousands of combinations of input files and my tests (it()s) that I want to generate depend on the contents of the json output from the cmdline utility. Mocha seems to want to require me to create all of the it()s upfront, but that means these scripts need to be run upfront and the json output captured. I was hoping to do: 'use strict

How do I dynamically generate Mocha tests in a describe()'s before() block?

点点圈 提交于 2020-12-30 09:06:03
问题 I am creating a mocha test suite that is testing a command line utility that our nwjs app is calling which takes files and produces an output json file. I have thousands of combinations of input files and my tests (it()s) that I want to generate depend on the contents of the json output from the cmdline utility. Mocha seems to want to require me to create all of the it()s upfront, but that means these scripts need to be run upfront and the json output captured. I was hoping to do: 'use strict

How might I check if any mocha tests failed from within an after block?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-12-29 05:41:29
问题 describe('some tests', function () { /* * Run some tests... */ }) after(function () { failures = ? // <--- what goes here? console.log(failures + " tests failed!") }) I'd use this to keep chromedriver's browser open if a test failed, and to report success or failure to sauce labs. Mocha's Runner and Reporters have the info I'm looking for as stats but I'm not sure how to get to them from within a test file. 回答1: I found answer to this question here afterEach(function() { if (this.currentTest

How might I check if any mocha tests failed from within an after block?

久未见 提交于 2020-12-29 05:39:02
问题 describe('some tests', function () { /* * Run some tests... */ }) after(function () { failures = ? // <--- what goes here? console.log(failures + " tests failed!") }) I'd use this to keep chromedriver's browser open if a test failed, and to report success or failure to sauce labs. Mocha's Runner and Reporters have the info I'm looking for as stats but I'm not sure how to get to them from within a test file. 回答1: I found answer to this question here afterEach(function() { if (this.currentTest