ImageResizer restarts application pool

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-13 00:54:12


We're having a problem where the application pools restarts (and loses all sessions) when deleting a folder in a virtual directory. This is not ImageResizers fault, but ASP.NET. We cannot replicate the issue on a static web site.

I'm wondering if someone has resolved this issue? We're thinking about creating a separate web page just for ImageResizer and image content. Maybe there is a simpler way?

This solution did not work for us:


IIS and ASP.NET - both - have independent FileSystemWatchers. If you disable these, the problem should go away.

See for more information.

While the article above mentions the problem from the perspective of a latent network-based storage, the problem can appear in other ways - such as upon directory deletion.

I also suggest avoiding deleting folders on ASP.NET websites; it's a painful goal, and likely to fail due to read locks. Goodnes, folder deletion rarely works on windows — even when it's not part of a web site being actively served to clients.


It seems to be possible to use IIS application instead of Virtual directory, and use a different application pool for the image archive. I tried, and the problem was solved... this appool restarted instead, which didn't affect the web pool. Great success!

However, I don't think we will be doing this either. It seems as a IIS application needs it's own bin folder. I had to copy the image resizer DLLs here. I also had to write another global.asax for auto 404 images in Application_Start. It works... I just don't want the image directory to have a lot of code in it. It is synced from a third party.

