What directory does chaquopy code search for the Python packages which are imported in the Python code of the Android app code

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 18:27:29


I have imported nltk library in my main method of the Python code of the chaquopy Android app. It is asking me to implement nltk.download('punkt') for my processing. So I wanted to know: in what directory does the code look for the packages, so that I can download a copy of them in the desired folder for my code to work right?

Edit: I implemented the solution provided by @mhsmith, but nltk.download('punkt') is still giving Lookup Error. Screenshots are attached:

The first line is the download_dir in which nltk.download('punkt') is downloading data

This is the error I am getting even after implementing solution by @mhsmith

This is the snippet of my code


Chaquopy 4.0.0 and newer

These versions set the HOME environment variable to your app's files directory, and nltk will automatically create an nltk_data subdirectory there. So no special action is required.

Original answer for older Chaquopy versions

I think the cleanest solution would be to create a separate directory for your downloads, like this:

from com.chaquo.python import Python
download_dir = "{}/nltk".format(Python.getPlatform().getApplication().getFilesDir())
if not os.path.exists(download_dir):
nltk.download(..., download_dir=download_dir)

(The getPlatform method requires Chaquopy 3.2.0 or later.)

From the NLTK documentation, it looks like you'll have to set the NLTK_DATA environment variable to this directory. This should probably be done before you import nltk.

