Handlebars.JS (w/ Dashbars) parse error “expecting open_endblock got inverse”

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-12 06:13:56


First, I dumped the output that's going to the Handlebars template and ran it through JSONlint.com and it validates, so my inputs are valid. Second, this is the best example code I could cook up that's representative but doesn't include vital data: http://codepen.io/Muzical84/pen/BNBLom?editors=101 (note, if you have HTTPS-Everywhere on, turn it off on codepen.io since the support is listed as "partial," and Chrome might still bark about unsafe scripts; I included all of the libraries besides jQuery, minified, in the bottom of the JS portion in order to shut up dev tools as much as I could.) I'll also be including some of the code below because SO is telling me that it won't let me include that link otherwise.

Anyway, I'm trying to use Handlebars with a side of Dashbars to output the results of a ColdFusion WSDL. It was working on a Friday afternoon, but then when I started working on code last Monday, everything I do yields this error:

     Uncaught Error: Parse error on line 139:
     ...                    {{else}}           
     Expecting 'OPEN_ENDBLOCK', got 'INVERSE'

The code at that point is:

<td><p>{{#each phoneObj}}
                    {{#if (s-start-with? 'Y' PRIMARY_FLAG)}}
                        <span class="primaryInformation">{{PHONE}}</span>
                            <span class="lightBlue">
                                {{#if COMM_LOCATION_CODE}}
                        <span class="lightBlue">
                            {{#if COMM_LOCATION_CODE}}
                    <br />
                    No phone or e-mail data found

(I apologize for formatting...) The phone data (which is actually phone and/or e-mail; I didn't design this database...) is roughly half-way between the ends of the template that are in my codepen.io example. (The whole thing is really long and I didn't want to waste anyone's time with the whole, long thing.) Originally, I was doing more {{#if fieldThatShouldHaveData}} {{else}} but took that out for debugging purposes.

At first, I had named the object "phone" and thought that maybe "phone.PHONE" was too ambiguous, but "this.PHONE" and renaming it to phoneObj didn't change anything. This is all within a huge {{#each this}} that prints the rows of the table. I'm not using any tags that I don't use earlier in the template without incident, and I did confirm that it's legal for me to nest if's and etc.

Incidentally, even if I comment out those lines with {{! if xyz}} I still get the same error, citing the same line.

I'm also having the problem of my outermost {{#each}} looping in such a way that only the last record returned is being output through the template. Everything logs in {{log this}} after that opening {{#each}} , but it's not even hiding in the HTML output somewhere.

I AM new to templating, so those of you who've done it before may think this is a stupid question. I've done what I can with the documentation available, but much of the handlebars official documentation seems to presume familiarity with templating.


It turned out that the line cited by the error message was wrong, (probably because, when I was looking for the line number in my my code file, I was forgetting to add the lines from the head template from my <cfinclude> at the top. I'm still new enough to ColdFusion that...that happens...) Further on down, I DID have a missing {{/if}} I'm not sure why the lines were being cited that were, but there it is. However, my "each only prints the last item" bug persists, but I'll create a different question for that.

