Retrieve the value from the barcode scanner in the key event in power builder 12.5

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-12 03:19:55


I cannot interpret the value from the Barcode Scanner from Power Builder. I am seeing from Key event, the value of Key seems to be "KeyEscape!" and hence it closes the window. Is there any syntax which gets the value from the Barcode Scanner in the keyevent ?

But when i use notepad, it is showing some value like "b000012300 " and the space represents KeyEscape! Is there a way to interpret this value in power builder ? Please help me.


The cancel property for a CommandButton, PictureButton or OLECustomControl makes it being activated by the Esc key.

It is likely that you have a button on your window to close it that have the cancel property set to true.

