CakePHP 3 : delete and update array from cookie

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-12 02:09:32


I'm using CakePHP 3.2 for writing a shopping cart application.

I'm using cookie to add items to the cart.

Now I want to update and delete value from cart. so that if user clicks on the same product add to cart with a different quantity value the existing record will be deleted and new will be added to cart.

This is my addToCart() method.

public function addToCart()

  if ($this->request->is('post')) {
    $p_id = $this->request->data('product_id');
    $p_quantity = $this->request->data('qnty');

$product = $this->Products->get($p_id);

$product->quantity = $p_quantity;

if (!$product) {
  throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Product'));

  $cart = $this->Cookie->read('Cart') ? $this->Cookie->read('Cart') : [];

  $itemInCart = false;
  $itemUpdated = false;
  if ($cart != null) {
    foreach($cart as $cart_item):
      if ($cart_item['id'] == $p_id) {
        if ($cart_item['quantity'] != $p_quantity) {
          $this->Cookie->delete('Cart.'.$cart_item);    // line 148
          $cart[] = $product;
          $this->Cookie->write('Cart', $cart);
          $itemsCount = count($this->Cookie->read('Cart'));
          $this->Flash->success('Product updated in cart');
          return $this->redirect($this->referer);
        $itemInCart = true;

  if (!$itemInCart) {
    $cart[] = $product;
    $this->Cookie->write('Cart', $cart);

    $itemsCount = count($this->Cookie->read('Cart'));

    if ($itemUpdated) {
      $this->Flash->success(__('Product updated in cart'));
    } else {
      $this->Flash->success(__('Product added to cart'));

    return $this->redirect($this->referer());
  } else {
    $this->Flash->success(__('Product is already in cart'));
    return $this->redirect($this->referer());


But this is giving error as

Notice (8): Array to string conversion [APP/Controller/OrdersController.php, line 148]

How could I update the quantity value in the cart.


Try the following:

public function addToCart()

    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        $p_id = $this->request->data('product_id');
        $p_quantity = $this->request->data('qnty');

        $product = $this->Products->get($p_id);

        if (!$product) {
            throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Product'));

        $product->quantity = $p_quantity;

        $cart = $this->Cookie->read('Cart') ? $this->Cookie->read('Cart') : [];

        $itemInCart = false;
        $new_cart = [];
        if ($cart != null) {
            foreach($cart as $cart_item):               
                if ($cart_item['id'] == $p_id) {                    
                    if($p_quantity == 0){
                        //Removed the item from cart and set itemInCart to true
                        $itemInCart = true;
                        //update the quantity of item
                        $new_cart[] = $product;
                        $itemInCart = true;
                    $new_cart[] = $cart_item;

        if ($itemInCart) {      
            $this->Cookie->write('Cart', $new_cart);
            $this->Flash->success(__('Product updated in cart'));
        } else {
            $cart[] = $product;
            $this->Cookie->write('Cart', $cart);
            $this->Flash->success(__('Product added to cart'));
        return $this->redirect($this->referer);

