React-Native Flexbox - Position One Item at Vertical Center and other at Bottom

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-12 01:25:56


Within a parent view, I would like to vertically center align one piece of text and have another at the bottom of the view.Whenever I add the bottom text, it shifts the position of the vertical centered view upwards (to make it the vertical center of the remaining space).

How do I keep the text vertically centered align relative to the parent view? Update: I understand I can do this using {position: 'absolute', bottom:0}, but want to understand the flex-box solution.

<View style={{height: 300, borderColor: "black", borderWidth: 1}}>
    <View style={{ justifyContent: "center", flex: 1 }}>
        <Text>Vert Middle</Text>

        <Text>Vert Bottom</Text>


Just try below code

      <View style={{height: 300, borderColor: "balck", borderWidth: 1}}>
          <View style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', justifyContent: "center", flex: 1 }}>
              <Text>Vert Middle</Text>

          <View style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: 0}}> // Here is your updations
              <Text>Vert Bottom</Text>


This is going to work for you. Also @Nitish answer is going to work too.

render() {
    return (
        <View style={{
            height: 300,
            borderColor: "black",
            borderWidth: 1
            <View style={{
                justifyContent: "center",
                flex: 1
                <Text>Vert Middle</Text>

            <View style={{
                height:0, //Here...
                justifyContent: "flex-end",
                <Text>Vert Bottom</Text>

