SASS inserts code comments periodically into my compiled CSS

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-12 01:13:12


just wondering why SASS does this and how to prevent it - I'm using Scout to manage all my Sass / Compass projects. Inside a "sass" folder I have a main.scss file which imports a partials/reset.scss file. These compile to ../css/main.css and ../css/partials/reset.css respectively. But in both of the compiled CSS files, there are periodic comments like this:

/* line 13, ../../sass/partials/reset.scss */

/* line 24, ../../sass/partials/reset.scss */

How do I prevent it from adding these comments? They're not in the scss files.


Those are line comments that indicate where the code that generates those styles comes from. You can disable it by uncommenting out this line in your config.rb:

# line_comments = false

