Using CodeIgniter Tank-Auth as a package?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-12 00:58:15


Is it possible to get Tank-Auth working as a package in CodeIgniter?

I installed database schema into my MySQL database and copied all the folders of tank_auth in my app "third_party" folder "[CI]\application\third_party\tank_auth". The Screenshot :

Session works fine.

I can load tank_auth models


I can load tank_auth views


But i can't access "auth" and "welcome" controllers. My application shows a 404. My log files has no warning or error other that the 404.

Any idea?



From what I see you are trying to set up a Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC) within the codeigntier MVC. I do not think this is supported by core codeigniter by itself instead you might need to install Modular extension management. Checkout Modular Extensions (HMVC) for Codeigniter. This allows you to create modules as 'pseudo-controllers' which can access core CI framework classes.

Checkout more at and of course google :)


I found out in CI doc why it doesn't work and how to fix it properly : Here (section Application "Packages")

You can put there ressources only, not controllers. I then moved the controllers (auth and welcome) to my CI application/controllers folder. Everything works now.

