F#: arithmetic operator and loss of polymorphism (value restriction?)

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-11 20:42:23


This code doesn't compile:

let f = fun x y -> x <<< y // bit shift
let g = fun x y -> x <<< y

let main _ =
  printfn "%d" <| f 1 10
  printfn "%d" <| f 1L 10 // error
  printfn "%d" <| g 1L 10
(7,21): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
  • http://ideone.com/qktsOb

I guess the unifier fixed the type parameters associated with f and g upon seeing their first occurrences. What governs this process? I think this is very similar to "value restriction" but f and g are already eta-expanded! This is a hard problem.

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_restriction

I would surely imagine there's some black magic behind typing predefined operators with ad-hoc polymorphism over integral types, but that's just my speculation. Any information appreciated.


Generic numeric programming is done using static member constraints, which can't be represented in the .NET type system. They exist only in F# and therefore must be marked inline.

Your code could be written this way:

let inline f x y = x <<< y // bit shift
let inline g z y = z <<< y

let main _ =
  printfn "%d" <| f 1 10
  printfn "%d" <| f 1L 10 // works too
  printfn "%d" <| g 1L 10

More info on MSDN:
Inline Functions
Statically Resolved Type Parameters


I think it is how F# performs automatic generalization of function parameters. On first appearance it infers that the function 'f' could have type ('a -> 'a -> 'a) but the second appearance is not match this signature because it has a different signature ('b -> 'a -> 'a) because it consider int64 and int as different types.

Inlining functions could sometimes solve this problem as @Daniel mentioned

Slightly more info could be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233183.aspx

Some more info on static member constraints could be found in this post by Tomas Petricek: http://tomasp.net/blog/fsharp-generic-numeric.aspx/

