Want to get total row count in footer of spring batch without customizing writer(Delegate Pattern)

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-11 16:12:34


This is my footer class:--

public class SummaryFooterCallback extends StepExecutionListenerSupport implements FlatFileFooterCallback{

    private StepExecution stepExecution;

    public void writeFooter(Writer writer) throws IOException {
        writer.write("footer - number of items written: " + stepExecution.getWriteCount());

    public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
        this.stepExecution = stepExecution;


This is my xml:--

<bean id="writer" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter"> <property name="resource" ref="outputResource" /> <property name="lineAggregator"> <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.PassThroughLineAggregator" /> </property> <property name="headerCallback" ref="headerCopier" /> <property name="footerCallback" ref="footerCallback" /> </bean> <bean id="footerCallback" class="org.springframework.batch.sample.support.SummaryFooterCallback"/>

Failing at stepExecution.getWriteCount() with nullpointer Exception.

No, I haven't registered callback as a listener in the step. I am new to Java and Spring Batch, referring to your book Pro Spring Batch but not able to get the solution of the assigned task.


You need to set the writer in scope step. Here you have a java based config that worked for me.

public ItemStreamWriter<Entity> writer(FlatFileFooterCallback footerCallback) {
    FlatFileItemWriter<Entity> writer = new FlatFileItemWriter<Entity>();
    return writer;

private FlatFileFooterCallback getFooterCallback(@Value("#{stepExecution}") final StepExecution context) {
    return new FlatFileFooterCallback() {
        public void writeFooter(Writer writer) throws IOException {
            writer.append("count: ").append(String.valueOf(context.getWriteCount()));

