Creating an Interactive Multi Field Search Bar in MS-ACCESS

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-11 15:39:06


I know this is probably a simple thing I'm missing, but I'm hoping you all can help. I'm trying to add a textbox to my form that allows users to type in search criteria and have the query filter the records to only display those that qualify. The trick is I want the user to be able to type in info and have it check all the fields of the form and return records for any that are valid.

I set up a query with the fields that I want checked and I watched a few tutorials on setting criteria, but they are all working with multiple search bars. Is there a way to do it with only 1?

Like "*" Or [Forms]![Publications Page]![FilterBox] OR "*"

This is the criteria expression I wrote. It returns records just not the ones I want and doesn't seem to change after I change what is in [FilterBox]. I have 4 fields I'm running this same criteria on. All thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated!



The resulting criteria should be something like

[LastName] Like '*searchtext*' Or [FirstName] Like '*searchtext*' Or ...

So, you would have to set up a single criteria like this

Dim crit As String

crit = " Like '*" & Replace(Me!FilterBox, "'", "''") & "*' "

where the replace statement replces single (') by 2. This enables the user to enter an apostrophe in the search box.

Now you must create the whole criteria

crit = "[Field1]" & crit & "Or [Field2]" & crit & "Or [Field3]" & crit & "Or [Field4]" & crit

