
How to generate filtered list using reselect redux based on static filtered values?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-11 06:10:09
问题 I am fetching news data from an API, in the app I need to show 3 lists. today news, yesterday news, article news. I think I should use redux reselect. However, all the examples I am visiting has a dynamic filter value (state filter) while I need data to be fileted statically (no state changes these filters) my state at the moment is {news : [] } How can I generate something like below using reselect {news: [], todayNews:[], yesterdayNews:[], articleNews: []} should I use reselect or I should

How to generate filtered list using reselect redux based on static filtered values?

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-11 06:08:34
问题 I am fetching news data from an API, in the app I need to show 3 lists. today news, yesterday news, article news. I think I should use redux reselect. However, all the examples I am visiting has a dynamic filter value (state filter) while I need data to be fileted statically (no state changes these filters) my state at the moment is {news : [] } How can I generate something like below using reselect {news: [], todayNews:[], yesterdayNews:[], articleNews: []} should I use reselect or I should

How to generate filtered list using reselect redux based on static filtered values?

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-11 06:08:22
问题 I am fetching news data from an API, in the app I need to show 3 lists. today news, yesterday news, article news. I think I should use redux reselect. However, all the examples I am visiting has a dynamic filter value (state filter) while I need data to be fileted statically (no state changes these filters) my state at the moment is {news : [] } How can I generate something like below using reselect {news: [], todayNews:[], yesterdayNews:[], articleNews: []} should I use reselect or I should


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-10-14 11:52:48
  前端开发框架从最开始的jquery时代,到后来backbone,angular1,再到现在vue和react两分天下,也才用了不到十年的光景。   最开始jquery是为了解决浏览器兼容性的问题而火起来的,准确的说它只是一个库,而不能成为框架。但随着前端页面的复杂度的增加,渐渐数据驱动和mv*的思想开始形成,有了backbone,angular等先驱。再之后随着AST,Bable,Webpack等技术的兴起,一个逐渐晚上的前端框架体系也随之建立了起来,如今最入门的就是vue和react了。   但由于vue和react要解决的事情和思想非常相近,所以导致很多人在选择到底使用哪种框架进行学习和开发的时候异常头痛。这个问题还是比较难解决的,仁者见仁智者见智,目前看来不仅公司和公司之间选择不同,就连很多大厂在部门之间也存在分歧,一个公司里很多部门都在使用不同的框架。 今天我就我自己的经验来分析一下这两款框架的区别,看看你看重那个方面。 模板引擎:vue的视图模板采用类html的写法加上自己的指令与自定义属性组成,在多数情况下是要比react的JSX写法开发效率高和清晰的。但是在复杂场景下,类html的写法有时候很比较麻烦或者难以胜任,这个时候就凸显出JSX的语言表现力的丰富了。不过vue目前也支持jsx的写法。 样式:vue的样式和模板可以写在同一个文件里

React 性能优化,你需要知道的几个点

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-10-01 07:17:27
转自于: 写了一段时间的 react 之后,渐渐的喜欢上了使用 react 来写应用。 我们知道, Facebook 在推出 react 时打出的旗号之一就是高性能。 今天我们还一起来聊一聊 react 的性能优化,思考还能通过哪些手段来提升React的性能,使我们的 react 更快,性能更好。 一,react组件的性能优化(渲染角度优化) 1,react性能查看工具 再讲性能优化之前,我们需要先来了解一下如何查看react加载组件时所耗费的时间的工具,在react 16版本之前我们可以使用 React Perf 来查看。 大家可以在chorme中先安装React Perf扩展,然后在入口文件或者 redux 的 store.js 中加入相应的代码即可: React Perf 在最新的React16版本中,我们可以直接在url后加上 ?react_pref ,就可以在chrome浏览器的 performance ,我们可以查看 User Timeing 来查看组件的加载时间。 react16.0_pref 使用此工具的具体操作大家可以看下图: react16.0_pref.gif 2,单个react组件性能优化 2.1, render 里面尽量减少新建变量和 bind 函数

Memoize functional component using react-redux, reselect and React.memo()

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-06-28 04:01:25
问题 I have built an app on ReactJS 16.8.5 and React-Redux 3.7.2. When the app loads the app mounts, initial store is set and database subscriptions are set up against a Firebase Realtime Database. The app contains a header, Sidebar and content section. I have implemented reselect along with React.memo to avoid rerendring when props change, but the Sidebar component is still re-rendering. Using React profiler API and a areEqual comparison function in React.memo I can see that the Sidebar is being

Memoize functional component using react-redux, reselect and React.memo()

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-06-28 04:01:00
问题 I have built an app on ReactJS 16.8.5 and React-Redux 3.7.2. When the app loads the app mounts, initial store is set and database subscriptions are set up against a Firebase Realtime Database. The app contains a header, Sidebar and content section. I have implemented reselect along with React.memo to avoid rerendring when props change, but the Sidebar component is still re-rendering. Using React profiler API and a areEqual comparison function in React.memo I can see that the Sidebar is being

How to create a custom equality function with reselect and Typescript?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-06-27 16:22:13
问题 A standard reselect selector invalidates its memoized value and recomputes it if the input selectors fail a strict equality check: export const selectEmailsFromComments = createSelector( selectComments, // returns an array of comments comments => commentsToEmails(comments) ) Since the comments are an array and not a primitive value, and redux reducers tend to create a new piece of state to avoid side effects, the above seems to never actually memoize because the comments array returned by