Converting list containing other lists and dictionaries into a pandas dataframe

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-11 14:46:55


I would like to convert a list, that appears to be a list of dictionaries (and with other lists inside it) to a pandas dataframe.

Here is a sample of my data:

 'n  boxers: [',
 'n    {',
 'n      age: 30,',
 'n      hasBoutScheduled: true,',
 'n      id: 489762,',
 'n      last6: [Array],',
 "n      name: 'Andy Ruiz Jr',",
 'n      points: 754,',
 'n      rating: 100,',
 'n      record: [Object],',
 'n      residence: [Object],',
 "n      stance: 'orthodox'",
 'n    },',
 'n    {',
 'n      age: 34,',
 'n      hasBoutScheduled: true,',
 'n      id: 468841,',
 'n      last6: [Array],',
 "n      name: 'Deontay Wilder',",
 'n      points: 622,',
 'n      rating: 100,',
 'n      record: [Object],',
 'n      residence: [Object],',
 "n      stance: 'orthodox'",
 'n    },',
 'n    {',
 'n      age: 30,',
 'n      hasBoutScheduled: true,',
 'n      id: 659461,',
 'n      last6: [Array],',
 "n      name: 'Anthony Joshua',",
 'n      points: 603,',
 'n      rating: 100,',
 'n      record: [Object],',
 'n      residence: [Object],',
 "n      stance: 'orthodox'",
 'n    },'

This is what I have tried thus far:


This produces about 27 columns - presumably a column for every space break, comma etc.

I have also tried using ChainMap from collections import ChainMap


This produces the error message: ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required

Note: When I extracted the data I converted it to a list- to clarify I am using the naked package to run a node.js file that returns json output which I then save to the variable success, initially in bytes string format then converted to a list:

success = muterun_js('index.js')
unclean_file = [str(success.stdout).split('\\')]


You're reading in data in json format, so it would make more sense to use unclean_file = json.loads(success) instead of unclean_file = [str(success.stdout).split('\\')].

This should return you a dict object which you can directly insert into a DataFrame.

Furthermore you might need to decode your data.

import json
import pandas as pd

success= success.decode('utf-8') # decode your content. Might not be necessary. 
unclean_file = json.loads(success)
data = pd.DataFrame(unclean_file , index=[0])


Splitting the data string doesn't help - it makes it even harder to parse.

error message: JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 2 column 3 (char 4)

This clearly says that one problem are the unquoted keys; further problems are the unquoted values true, Array and Object. But it's not so hard to rectify all this:

unclean_string = success.stdout.decode()
import re
clean_string = re.sub(r'\w+(?=[],:])', r'"\g<0>"', unclean_string)

The above quotes all identifiers which are followed by :, , or ], and we get a well-formed dict representation, which we can evaluate and make a DataFrame of:


