Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-27 03:21:07

Fixed it! The issue was coming from one particular div - to find it, it was a process of deleting the different elements until the issue went away.

To fix it I needed to add overflow-x: hidden to that div and it sorts it out! Hope this is useful to others with a similar issue.

I had the same problem, I fixed it by setting:

html, body { width:100%;  overflow:hidden; }
Navneet Kumar

This problem occurs when width of any division is greater than the width of iPAD's screen.

In my case, some divisions were having size of 1000px, so I just went for width:auto and it works. overflow-x:hidden also does the same thing, but is not a preferred way.

I don't have an iphone to test this on but I have come across something similar with websites I've created in the past. In my case its because there was a bug in safari mobile that messed with the scale when going from port to land.

The following code fixed it for me (can't remember where I got it from at the moment)

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
    var viewportmeta = document.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]')[0];
    if (viewportmeta) {
        viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0';
        document.body.addEventListener('gesturestart', function() {
            viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6';
        }, false);

Using "overflow-x: hidden" solves part of the problem, but screws the scroll, acting with strange behaviors (as Jason said).

Sometimes, the hardest part is to discover what is causing the problem. In my case, after a few hours, if found that the problem was in Twitter's Bootstrap:

If you're using Twitter's Bootstrap with "control-group" zones for your forms, the problem could be there. In my case i solved the problem with:

.control-group .controls {
     overflow-x: hidden

Now the white space on the right was gone :)

I'd like to add to Navneet Kumar's solution because it worked for me. Any div tag styled with width=100% cannot also have left or right padding. The mobile browsers (I noticed the problem on iPhone and Android devices) interpret the div as having a width greater than 100%, thereby creating the extra space on the right side. (I knew this regarding fixed widths, but not percentage widths.) Instead, use width=auto in conjunction with padding.

I know it's a while since this topic was opened but I came across a similar situation and found it was because I had an element with the following properties right: -999999px; position: absolute; hidden off screen.

Changing the above to left: -999999px; position: absolute; solved the same issue the OP had (white screen to the right and ability to swipe right).

I'm using Bootstrap 3.3. I tried all of these solutions, and nothing worked. Then, I changed my <div class="container"> to <div class="container-fluid"> in the section that I was having trouble with. This solved the problem.

I tried all what has been suggested here, nothing works. Then I've relized that it connect with scale of page. So then I added <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> to header.php in my main theme's folder and it 's fixed problem.

Seems as though results are varying for different circumstances but a sitewide

html, body { width:100%; x-overflow:hidden; }

seems to have worked for me!

Fixed! Had a similar problem. Fixed it by setting the width to a current device width.

body, html {
  max-width: 100vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;



Since installing protostar joomla template 3.X and start adding content in the module K2 I noticed that annoying scroll with a blank space on the right side, visible especially in iphones.

A correct partial answer was gave for Eva Marie Rasmussen, adding to the body tag in the file template.css these values:

width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;

But this solution is only partial. Search div class or label that is causing this problem and once detected add to that class in the file templete.css the same values:

width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;

In my case add to the class "span" these two lines to finally look like this:

[Class * = "span"] {
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
margin-left: 20px;
width: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;

And it´s working now¡¡
