How to return ILookup directly (without using a Dictionary->ILookup converter)

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 09:46:31


(Converting a Dictionary to ILookup is not very nice: How do I convert a Dictionary to a Lookup? )

I want to have an interface for my container class with the following method:

ILookup<Type, Entry> Query ( IEnumerable<QueryClause> query );

Each query clause specifies which and how many (and some more details) of a special kind of Entry should be taken out of the underlying container.

My implementation currently looks something like this:

var result = new Dictionary<Type, List<Entry>>();

foreach(var clause in query)
    var clauseResult = FulfillClause(clause);
    result.Add(clause.Type, clauseResult);

return result.ToLookup(); // here it is

Is there any chance this method my return ILookup directly? Unfortunately it does not support yield return.


I'm not entirely sure why you have the dictionary in the first place. Does this work for you?

return query.ToLookup(clause => clause.Type, clause => FullFillClause(clause));

It doesn't comply with the ILookup<Type, Entry> interface but neither does the code you provide so I can't be certain about what you actually want.

Here's attempt after re-reading the question:

return query.SelectMany(c => FulfillClause(c).Select(r => new {Type=c.Type, Result=r}))
            .ToLookup(o => o.Type, o => o.Result);

It's a translation of @JonSkeet's linked answer.

To test without knowing the details of all the types & methods, I used this:

Func<List<int>> f = () => new List<int>() {1, 2, 3};
var query = new List<Type> {typeof (int), typeof (string)};

var l = query.SelectMany(t => f().Select(n => new {Type = t, Result = n}))
    .ToLookup(o => o.Type, o => o.Result);

If you control all the code, you could restructure some of it to enhance readability:

return query.SelectMany(c => c.Fulfill())
            .ToLookup(res => res.Type, res => res.Value);

// You will need to create the ClauseFulfillment type yourself
public IEnumerable<ClauseFulfillment> FulFill()
   var results = // whatever FulfillClause does
   foreach(var r in results)
      yield return new ClauseFulfillment {Type = Type, Result = r}; 

