Anglularjs passing value from Controller, State Resolve and Factory Service

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-11 05:39:08


Okay, I have three relevant files for my question/s..

App.js - app.config

In my app.config passing value in the resolve using $stateParams is possible and I attain it. But how about the value is from the controller? I need the provCode value to use it in my php select query.

.state("editStudent", {
    abstract: true,
    controller: "EditStudentController",
    templateUrl: "views/students/editStudent.html",
    resolve: {
      dataservice: 'dataservice',
      student: function(dataservice, $stateParams){
        var data ={ 
          id : $
        return dataservice.getStudent(data);
      provinceData: function(dataservice){
        return dataservice.getProvince();
      municipalityData: function(dataservice){
        var provCode = {
          provCode : '0456'    // <--------------------- this one 
        return dataservice.getCity(provCode);


EditStudentController.js - app.controller

In my app.controller, I use the angular.forEach to find province code or id to use it php select query. As you can see I tried to create function app.getCity but it is not working as I expected.

$scope.provinceData = provinceData;

var retProv = $scope.studentInfo.province;

angular.forEach(provinceData, function(value, key) {
    if(value.provDesc == retProv){
    $scope.studentInfo.province = provinceData[key];
    $scope.provCode =  provinceData[key].provCode;
}); // angular.forEach

var provCode = $scope.provCode;

// Test if it is working but sadly, it is not 
// $scope.getCity = function(){
//    dataservice.getCity(provCode);
// }

Dataservice.js - app.factory

In my app.factory there are currently 3 functions. The other 2 functions works expectedly but the factory.getCity() is my problem right now. As you can see there is a parameter provCode, this parameter is from my app.config state resolve and it has been assigned a hardcoded/static value.

factory.getStudent = function(data){
    return $"php/students/viewOneStudent.php",data).then(function(response){
        student =[0];
        return student;

factory.getProvince = function(){
    return $http.get('php/address/province.php').then(function(response){
        provinceData =;
        return provinceData;

factory.getCity = function(provCode){
    return $'php/address/cities.php', provCode).then(function(response){
        municipalityData =;
        return municipalityData;

My Question is:

  1. If it is possible to pass a value from controller to a resolve?
  2. If it is possible, how can I do that? because I tried my very best in trial and error approach.
  3. If it is not possible, what is my option/s to achieve what I want?


I tried to do it without resolve, getting data and posting again for php querying, it is also works BUT the problem is sometimes data doesn't load when the view is loaded. As far as I know, read and understand from different sources in the internet, there is a time that view is loaded but the "work on processing the data" is not finished yet..

I am pretty new and still learning AngularJs. When I am practicing and learning AngularJs coding, I love how it works especially the routing, I am impressed with it. So, I am trying my very best to understand AngularJs and its complexity.

UPDATE I tried different approach of how I can get my expected results. But I can't get to it, I encountered an error. This is the link of my other approach.

Undefined property: stdClass: in using AngularJS + PHP

