Cocoa Scroll view keeps bouncing on mavericks in the middle of the file

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-10 20:55:33


Does anybody know why when scrolling (via two finger touch) rapidly up and down it "catches" quite often and bounces incorrectly in the middle of a scrollview? This behavior is quite annoying and makes for a bad user experience.

Xcode has scrollviews which bounce both horizontally and vertically and doesn't nearly-as-often get stuck this way.


That seems like a bug in NSScrollView.

You can enable predominant axis scrolling, which mostly eliminates the problem:

scrollView.usesPredominantAxisScrolling = YES;

Or, you can disable horizontal bouncing, which is what Finder does:

scrollView.horizontalScrollElasticity = NSScrollElasticityNone;

