WebResource.axd & ScriptResource.axd loading takes more than 1 minute

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-10 20:17:17


I have a problem. Sometimes WebResource and ScriptResource takes a lot of time to load, over 1 minute. we have more than one nodes in a cluster.

Note that if you have a browser session is open before this problem, .axd files loads pretty fast. but new sessions loads those files sometimes 1 minute, sometimes 30 seconds.

Restarting nodes didn't help.

do you have any idea ?


I have an open source project called RequestReduce which can combine and minify js and css on the fly including Webresource and ScriptResource. I've seen it combine over 30 of these to one file in a single bloated page. Its a Response filter that runs in an httpmodule. The first few hits to your page will load the original contents while RequestReduce processes all the css/js files and caches them in the background. It also sprites and optimizes background images. You can download it at http://RequestReduce.com or install from nuget.

