What is the equivalent in TFVC of git cherry-pick

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-10 13:55:56


I'm sorry for my question but I'm TFS noob user, what is the equivalent in TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control) of git cherry-pick?


First, create a patch for the changeset that you want to cherry-pick:

tf diff /version:C1234 /format:unified > cherry.patch

(Note: be careful about redirecting to a file from PowerShell. It wants to write UTF-16 files which many programs have a hard time coping with.)

Then apply the patch using patch:

patch -p0 < cherry.patch


There is one solution that has worked for me.

In TFVC, when you do a merge between 2 branches, there is a radio button where you can select to merge the whole branch or just a particular set of Changesets.

Follow the changeset option.


There isn't, really. TFVC and Git are fundamentally different source control paradigms, and you shouldn't try to use them in the same fashion.

In TFVC, cherry picking is considered a bad practice, as are baseless merges (TFVC has hierarchical branches -- a baseless merge is merging between two branches that don't have a parent/child relationship). A merge should typically consist of all of the changes made to the branch, sequentially, up until a given point in time. Although you can merge individual changesets and skip changes you don't want to include, you can't merge multiple non-sequential changesets in one operation.

