Using specs2 and FakeApplication() to test database fails evolution inserts

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-10 13:21:59


This is for Play! Framework 2.0.

I'm trying to write a simple test case to ensure my user model is functioning properly and persisting data in my database. I'd like to run it in memory if possible so I can get a fresh start with every new run.

The issue I have is that my evolutions run(tables are created, data is inserted, but I can't query it as being there). First, my code.

CREATE TABLE user_data (
user_name varchar(256) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
email varchar(256) NOT NULL,
password varchar(256) NOT NULL,
edits int NOT NULL,
reports int NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO user_data(user_name, email, password, edits, reports, active) VALUES ('user1', '', '12345678', 0, 0, true);

In application.conf


In build.scala

val appDependencies = Seq(
  // Add your project dependencies here,
    "postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.1-901-1.jdbc4"

The test code

class User_dataSpec extends Specification {

  "The Database" should {
    "persist data properly" in {
  running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {

      //User_data.findAll().length must beEqualTo(1)
      //Create users
      User_data.create("user1", "password1", "") must beEqualTo(1)
      User_data.create("user2", "password2", "") must beEqualTo(2)
      User_data.create("user1", "password3", "") must beEqualTo(0)

      //Count users
      User_data.findAll().length must beEqualTo(2)

      //Verify users exist
      User_data.exists("user1") must beTrue
      User_data.exists("user2") must beTrue

      //Verify user doesn't exist
      User_data.exists("user3") must beFalse

      //Find users by ID
      User_data.findUser(1).get.user_name must beEqualTo("user1")
      User_data.findUser(2).get.user_name must beEqualTo("user2")

      //Fail to find users by ID
      User_data.findUser(3) must beNone

      //Find users by user_name
      User_data.findUser("user1").get.user_name must beEqualTo("user1")
      User_data.findUser("user2").get.user_name must beEqualTo("user2")

      //Fail to find users by user_name
      User_data.findUser("user3") must beNone

      //Authenticate users
      User_data.authenticate("user1", "password1") must beTrue
      User_data.authenticate("user2", "password2") must beTrue

      //Fail to authenticate users
      User_data.authenticate("user1", "password2") must beFalse
      User_data.authenticate("user3", "passwordX") must beFalse

      //Confirm the user was inserted properly
      val user = User_data.findUser("user1")
      user.get.user_name must beEqualTo("user1") must beEqualTo("")
      user.get.password must beEqualTo("password1")
      user.get.edits must beEqualTo(0)
      user.get.reports must beEqualTo(0) must beTrue

This code will pass as written, however it shouldn't. If I uncomment the first test case inside the running block to test that my findAll() function should be a length of 1 it will fail immediately. However, if I change this to use a persisted PostgreSQL DB on my machine, it will still fail immediately, but when I look at the PostgreSQL DB, my user_data table has the single evolution applied insert in it, and the play_evolutions table has the entry for my evolution and is marked as state = "applied" and last problem = "".

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

(P.S., I am a first time poster, but will do my best to accept an answer as soon as possible for those willing to lend their help)



As Jakob stated, the reason evolutions are failing is probably because the SQL written for MySQL is incompatible with H2DB. You can solve this by using a separate MySQL for testing as per the original answer, or put H2DB into MySQL compatibility mode which may fix the problem (see Fixtures in Play! 2 for Scala).


I think this is a bug in play framework 2.0


The problem with evolutions and H2 is that H2 is not compliant with everything you can do with postgres or MySQL for example. So evolutions will run fine in prod but fail in test. I had this problem in a project and eventually solved it by simply not using evolutions and instead use liquibase for the DB stuff.

Or one needs to make sure that the sql you write can be run on H2. In that case evolutions will work fine. I dont remember exactly what the problem with H2 was (something about indexes i think)

