Not possible to hide a QMenu object QMenu::setVisible()?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-08 15:53:45


I have built up a QMenu MainMenu on top of my MainWindow in my application. As everybody is used to it, I have following QMenu Main menus:

File - Edit - SuperHeavyExpertMenus - Settings - Help

I would like to hide the sub tree SuperHeaverExpertMenus initially, on program start, because it conatins a lot of settings, which might confuse beginner users.

I want to show that sub tree with SuperHeavyExpertMenu, when a checkbox in Settings is true, for instance.

I can hide the children QActions of the QMenu s above, vie QAction:setVisible(false) . but I can do that for the QMenu ?

Is there a way to hide the QMenu ?


If I understood correctly your problem, the way you can solve it is whit something like this:


I hope to be useful.


Qmenu doesn't have setVisible(), or hide(), but you can change the title instead:


This will remove the title, and therefore the "Action" that make up the button in your GUI.

