DecisionTaskTimedOut when @Asynchronous annotation is used

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-08 10:37:21


I have some two sets of activity that needs to be executed in parallel. After their successful completion, I want to execute another set of activity. I used Task and it was working. But, after using the @Asynchronous annotation, I am getting the DecisionTaskTimedOut and none of the activity starts its execution. My aspectj configuration is working as i can see the following classes in my target:




Asynchronous Version

 public class AsyncWorkflowImpl implements AsyncWorkflow{

        private AsyncActivitiesClient activitiesClient = new AsyncActivitiesClientImpl();
        private Async2ActivitiesClient activitiesClient2 = new Async2ActivitiesClientImpl();

        public void executeActivity() {

            Promise<Integer> intermediateRes = null;
            Promise<Integer> intermediateRes2 = null;
            for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
                intermediateRes = testIntermediate(Promise.asPromise(i), intermediateRes);
            for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
                intermediateRes2 = testIntermediate2(Promise.asPromise(i), intermediateRes2);

        public Promise<Integer> testIntermediate(final Promise<Integer> i, Promise<Integer> res){

            return  activitiesClient.testAct1(i); 

        public Promise<Integer> testIntermediate2(final Promise<Integer> i, Promise<Integer> res){
            return  activitiesClient2.testAct1(i); 

        public void test(final Promise<Integer> res, final Promise<Integer> res2){



Task Version

public class AsyncWorkflowImpl implements AsyncWorkflow{

    private AsyncActivitiesClient activitiesClient = new AsyncActivitiesClientImpl();
    private Async2ActivitiesClient activitiesClient2 = new Async2ActivitiesClientImpl();

    public void executeActivity() {

        Promise<Integer> intermediateRes = null;
        Promise<Integer> intermediateRes2 = null;
        Settable<Integer> finalRes = new Settable<Integer>();
        Settable<Integer> finalRes2 = new Settable<Integer>();
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
            intermediateRes = testIntermediate(i, intermediateRes);
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
            intermediateRes2 = testIntermediate2(i, intermediateRes2);

    public Promise<Integer> testIntermediate(final Integer i, Promise<Integer> res){
        final Settable<Integer> tempRes = new Settable<Integer>();
        new Task(res){
            protected void doExecute() throws Throwable {

        return tempRes;

    public Promise<Integer> testIntermediate2(final Integer i, Promise<Integer> res){
        final Settable<Integer> tempRes = new Settable<Integer>();
        new Task(res){
            protected void doExecute() throws Throwable {

        return tempRes;

    public void test(final Promise<Integer> res, final Promise<Integer> res2){

        new Task(res, res2){
            protected void doExecute() throws Throwable {


Is there any problem in aspectj weaving? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


An @Asynchronous method is executed when all of its parameters that extend type Promise are ready. Your @Asynchronous methods are never executed because of the res parameter which is never ready. The solution is to annotate such parameters with @NoWait to inform the framework that these should not be waited.

The best way to troubleshoot workflows that appears "stuck" is by looking at their "asynchronous stack trace" that contains async stack traces of all outstanding tasks. Use WorkflowExecutionFlowThreadDumper to emit such a trace.

