Add custom SOAP header in PowerShell using New-WebServiceProxy

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-07 15:57:21


In C# I can do the following:

var header = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("MyHeader", "http://mynamespace", "Header value");

That adds the following to the SOAP message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <MyHeader xmlns="http://mynamespace">Header value</MyHeader>

How can I similarly add a custom outgoing SOAP message header when calling methods on a proxy generated by the New-WebServiceProxy PowerShell commandlet?

Edit: To clarify, I can make the same calls in PowerShell that I show in the C# above, but OperationContext.Current is always null. I get around that in C# by creating an OperationContextScope, but that requires the inner channel of the web service proxy, which PowerShell's proxy doesn't seem to provide.


Your C# code is using the OperationContext class from WCF. PowerShell's New-WebServiceProxy cmdlet does not use WCF, instead it creates classes based on the System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol class.

To get an instance of SoapHttpClientProtocol to send custom SOAP headers, you use SoapExtension, as described here:

Due to the need to create a new class inheriting from SoapExtension, porting the content of the blog post to PowerShell will most likely involve use of embedded C# via the Add-Type cmdlet's TypeDefinition parameter.

