How to map in real time using indoor beacons on Android

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-07 09:53:33

I would recommend using one of the existing solutions, as this is a huge task that you're trying to achieve. I work for, that is a unified positioning platform. We provide beacon trilateration and showing your exact positioning on top of an indoor map based on that info. However, we don't have routing features. For that I would recommend checking out Steerpath, They specialize in beacon-based navigation, and deal with the wall issue.

Building an indoor navigation system is very complex. Beacon toolkits can tell you roughly how far you are from a stationary transmitter, but cannot tell you direction. It is just a tiny building block of a big system. A beacon is to an indoor navigation system as a brick is to a building.

You have brought up several important requirements and there are many others, including:

  • Building a system to record beacon positions in a known coordinate frame, and send them to your app

  • Transform beacon coordinate frame estimated positions to map coordinate frame for displaying a blue dot.

How to build such a system is simply beyond the scope of questions that can be answered properly on StackOverflow.
