SQL Filter Out Specific Month, Day, and Time for Any Year

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-07 03:19:26

May be this:

WHERE MONTH([Posting Date]) <> 12 OR
      DAY([Posting Date]) <> 31 OR
      CAST([Posting Date] AS TIME) <> CAST('23:59:59.000' AS TIME)

Even more short answer:

WHERE YEAR([Posting Date]) <> YEAR(DATEADD(ss, 1, [Posting Date]))

Another thing which you can also do is something like this, which is a slight variation from what you have tried.

        WHEN (
                DATEPART(MONTH, [POSTING DATE]) = 12
                AND DATEPART(DAY, [POSTING DATE]) = 31
                AND DATEPART(HOUR, [POSTING DATE]) = 23
                AND DATEPART(MINUTE, [POSTING DATE]) = 59
                AND DATEPART(SECOND, [POSTING DATE]) = 59
            THEN 0
        ELSE 1

In this scenario I just use a CASE to identify those rows which have the date the last second of the year and the evaluation of 1/0 does the rest and filters out the unwanted records.
