
BLOB to String, SQL Server

南楼画角 提交于 2020-04-08 09:32:48
问题 I have a text string stored as a BLOB data type in a database. I want to extract it by an SQL select query, but I have problems converting/casting from BLOB to readable text . I've tried e.g. select convert(nvarchar(40),convert(varbinary(40),BLOBTextToExtract)) from [NavisionSQL$Customer] I guess I need something similar, but I can't figure out exactly what I need to do the conversion. Can somebody please give me some directions? Regards 回答1: Problem was apparently not the SQL server, but the

Post SOAP envelop to MS Dynamics NAV Web Service

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-14 03:49:06
问题 I am trying to post SOAP Envelope directly to Dynamics NAV Webservices using HttpWebRequest, HttpWebResponse. Code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string requestString = LoadData(); HttpWebRequest request; HttpWebResponse response = null; string url = "http://localhost:7047/DynamicsNAV70/WS/Page/nav_Item"; byte[] requestBuffer = null; Stream postStream = null; Stream responseStream = null; StreamReader responseReader = null; request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest

Dynamics Nav 2013 web application

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-13 06:27:07
问题 I want to create web application (sth like dashboard) which will be integrated with nav 2013. (Take data form Nav, display it to customers and also can update or insert data). In Nav I have done all tables and pages which have specificed all conditions and functions on fields. Those conditions are very usefull when you want to insert some data from page in Nav (for example: after filling customer number, page automatically show projects for this customer - what is very helpfull) Everything is

Using MS Dynamics NAV with PHP [closed]

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-02 19:29:07
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 9 months ago . I’m starting an extranet project, where php pages are supposed to send data to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. I haven’t used NAV before, but I found some info here. The example php code looks pretty clear to me, but is there any tips or tricks (basics) that I should know before starting this project? all examples are

How Swift consume SOAP WebService from Dynamics NAVISION

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-30 11:03:17
问题 in XCode (for iOS 8) using Swift language, there is no Service Reference folder to add for NAV Web Service Understand iOS 8 (Swift) does not have Web service reference to create Proxy. So, in this respect, how Swift can consume SOAP webservice from Microsoft Dynamics NAVISION? What are the methods or work around available? Thanks 回答1: Get a nightly build of free SoapUI. I say nightly only because some time ago it was only version that supported windows authorization, If your Nav web-service

Date filter in Microsoft Dynamics NAV webservice

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-19 10:19:23
问题 When sending a filter to the webservice in php everything works fine, but when we need to sort on dates we encountered a problem. We need to get all the objects modified after a certain date. In a page we have a date element, like so: <xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Last_Date_Modified" type="xsd:date"/> And we have tried the solution explained here on SO: Dynamics Nav (Navision) webservice ReadMultiple date filter But our date format is a bit different, ours looks like: 2013-01

Calculate Key for WebService Update from Sql Query in Navision 2009

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-13 05:12:08
问题 I am exposing some Pages in Navision 2009 as web services. To update a record, you have to issue a Read request, and send the Key field along with your Update request. I would rather calculate the Key myself for 2 reasons: Using the filters in the read request is awkward - a sql query would fit on one line. Performance is terrible. I've been able to figure out that at least part of the key is a Base64 encoded string of the columns that make up the primary key. I hope that someone can tell me

Send a Blob From Navision to a Javascript Add In

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-12 04:01:26
问题 I have a Blob Object in NAV, which represents an Excel document. I want this document to be displayed in my JavaScript Control AddIn (run in Web- and Windows-Client). But I am not sure how to handle this problem. Later in the AddIn, I need the Blob as a binary string. So far I tried two things. First try I build an interface with this method [ApplicationVisible] void SetExcelDocument(ExcelDocument ExcelDocument); and the ExcelDocument - Object looks like this [Serializable] public class

WPF Toolkit - how to refresh a chart

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-11 08:03:45
问题 I just created a pie Chart with the WPF Toolkit. I wanted to create a AddIn for MS Dynamics NAV. If I call that method in NAV: public void setChart(string chartKey, float chartValue) { KeyValuePair<string, float> value = new KeyValuePair<string, float>(chartKey, chartValue); values.Add(value); } my Chart is not refreshing. My ObservableCollection is updating but it doesn't Show any Chart. If I just do setChart("AB123",60); to the constructor it works. How can I update the Chart. I also call