How can I make SourceInsight understand smart pointers?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-06 16:28:10


If my code uses smart pointers, navigation and completion don't work with SourceInsight. For example with this simple example code:

class test {
    void fun(){}

int main() {
    boost::scoped_ptr<test> a;
    return 0;

When I click fun() in main , SourceInsight tells me "symbol not found".

Is there something I should do to fix that, or does SourceInsight have limitations?


So I've given this a try. Downloaded, virus-scanned, signed up for free trial, installed wine, run!

Now, I can make SourceInsight import the symbols from the Boost directories:

I then enter the path to my Boost directory: Z:\home\sehe\custom\boost\

Processing takes a minute or two:

Seems ok:

Now if you import these symbols in your project:

You will find you can navigate to boost::scoped_ptr<> just fine (I double-clicked on the a in the declaration of a):

But it will not find references to fun:

Finds only the declaration:

Of course you can use simple string search, but that wasn't the point.

Here's the HTML export:


It seems this is a limitation of SourceInsight, not due to misconfiguration.

