Pentaho single Dashboard for multiple reports using ajax

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-06 14:41:09


I have made multiple copies of dashboard for different reports to render. so url changes for each report in the browser and whole page needs to be refreshed.

Day before yesterday i came to know that any component can be refreshed [ Refresh all components of Pentaho CDE dashboard ]

I wanna know if i can use single pentaho dashboard to render different reports over single reporting component, using ajax calls by clicking different buttons/links?

I feel there should be some way arround this.


Okay, after so many attempts, i have figured it out that i can use single prpt component and update the action on button/anchor click, and then update the prpt component.

I tried this:

Dashboards.getComponent('render_prpt').action = "another_report";


and it worked :)

