
Generic DAO and nested properties support

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-23 04:13:27
问题 I am trying to perform a DB access through a DAO object, and I have bumped into the case where I need to query a field in another Entity. Considering two entities (EntityA and EntityB) that are connected in entity A through the foreign key EntityA.idEntityB . I have GenericDao<EntityA> daoA and I am trying to get all the results that match a determined field of EntityB: idEntityB.fieldOfB all in the same find method of the dao. Is it possible? And if so some directions would be nice. Thanks

Generic DAO and nested properties support

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-23 04:13:16
问题 I am trying to perform a DB access through a DAO object, and I have bumped into the case where I need to query a field in another Entity. Considering two entities (EntityA and EntityB) that are connected in entity A through the foreign key EntityA.idEntityB . I have GenericDao<EntityA> daoA and I am trying to get all the results that match a determined field of EntityB: idEntityB.fieldOfB all in the same find method of the dao. Is it possible? And if so some directions would be nice. Thanks

How do I implement a DAO manager using JDBC and connection pools?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-17 17:36:10
问题 My problem is as follows. I need a class that works as a single point to a database connection in a web system, so to avoid having one user with two open connections. I need it to be as optimal as possible and it should manage every transaction in the system. In other words only that class should be able to instantiate DAOs. And to make it better, it should also use connection pooling! What should I do? 回答1: You will need to implement a DAO Manager . I took the main idea from this website,

Spring Generic Dao class name

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-17 14:15:44
问题 I have configured a custom generic service DAO for my spring / hibernate project - the idea being that I can reuse it easily from my controllers. It essentially looks like this: public class DefaultService<T> { private Class<T> e; public String className(Class<T> e) { String clip = e.getName(); clip = clip.substring(clip.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, clip.length()); return clip; } public List<T> getAll(Integer status) { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Query query = session

What's the best way to calling a Stored Procedure using Hibernate in a Generic DAO?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-07 09:48:28
I'm using MySql and my query to call is like: call SPGetChart (idNumber, nameChart); Using EntityManager Query query=getEntityManager(). createNativeQuery("BEGIN SPGetChart(:id, :name); END;"); query.setParameter("id", idValue); query.setParameter("name", nameChart); query.executeUpdate(); Using connection through EntityManager: Connection con = ((SessionImpl) getEntityManager().getDelegate()).connection(); CallableStatement callableStatement = cc.prepareCall("{call SPGetChart (?,?)}"); callableStatement.setInt(1, idValue); callableStatement.setString(2, nameChart); callableStatement.execute()

Trying to use EhCache using Spring and a custom GenericDao interface that extends the Hibernate's JpaRepository

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-06 11:26:15
问题 Background Here is my working (simplified) GenericDao interface, which is implemented by any DomainDao : @NoRepositoryBean public interface GenericDao<E extends Persistable<K>, K extends Serializable> extends JpaRepository<E, K> { public List<E> findAll(); public E persist(E entity); } public class GenericDaoImpl<E extends Persistable<K>, K extends Serializable> extends SimpleJpaRepository<E, K> implements GenericDao<E, K> { private final

Trying to use EhCache using Spring and a custom GenericDao interface that extends the Hibernate's JpaRepository

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-04 17:51:29
Background Here is my working (simplified) GenericDao interface, which is implemented by any DomainDao : @NoRepositoryBean public interface GenericDao<E extends Persistable<K>, K extends Serializable> extends JpaRepository<E, K> { public List<E> findAll(); public E persist(E entity); } public class GenericDaoImpl<E extends Persistable<K>, K extends Serializable> extends SimpleJpaRepository<E, K> implements GenericDao<E, K> { private final JpaEntityInformation<E, ?> entityInformation; private final EntityManager em; private final Class<E> type; public

Spring MVC: Generic DAO and Service classes

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-04 08:11:22
问题 I am writting web in Spring MVC. I wrote all DAOs using Generic DAO. Now I would like to rewrite my Service classes. How can I write "Generic Service"? There are my DAOs: /* ################################# DAO ################################ */ package; import java.util.List; public interface GenericDao<T> { public T findById(int id); public List<T> findAll(); public void update(T entity); public void save(T entity); public void delete(T entity); } /* ------------------

Spring MVC: Generic DAO and Service classes

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-02 21:13:14
I am writting web in Spring MVC. I wrote all DAOs using Generic DAO. Now I would like to rewrite my Service classes. How can I write "Generic Service"? There are my DAOs: /* ################################# DAO ################################ */ package; import java.util.List; public interface GenericDao<T> { public T findById(int id); public List<T> findAll(); public void update(T entity); public void save(T entity); public void delete(T entity); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ package; import;

How do I implement a DAO manager using JDBC and connection pools?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-28 02:40:56
My problem is as follows. I need a class that works as a single point to a database connection in a web system, so to avoid having one user with two open connections. I need it to be as optimal as possible and it should manage every transaction in the system. In other words only that class should be able to instantiate DAOs. And to make it better, it should also use connection pooling! What should I do? Carlos Vergara You will need to implement a DAO Manager . I took the main idea from this website , however I made my own implementation that solves some few issues. Step 1: Connection pooling