defining userroles with inheriting rights

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:19:12

As far as I know, Spring Security does not support the concept of Roles and Privileges. In Spring security are only Roles sometimes called Authority -- Moreover: In Spring Security are Roles/Authorities that what in a Roles and Privileges System is called Privileges.

So if you want to build a System of Roles and Privileges, then you need to do it by your one by building your own Spring Security AuthenticationManager, and tread the Spring Security Roles/Authorities like Privileges.

@See This Blog: Spring Security customization (Part 1 – Customizing UserDetails or extending GrantedAuthority) -- It is written for Spring Security 2.0 and shows how to implement what I am talking about. It also stayes that RoleHierarchy has some drawbacks, but this article is about 2.0, may the drawbacks are gone in 3.0


Check out RoleHierarchy and RoleHierarchyImpl and this question.
