Solr DataImportHandler configuration

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-06 13:57:15

The issue here is your "lib" entries with jar file location is not properly defined.

Depending on your solr.home entry, these dist, contrib folders are not resolving. For instance, you may need to additional "../" for this..

OK I've been battling with the same issue for hours. Something the solr 3.4 book didn't cover about the set up of DIH.

Leave the lib folder as is, in the example folder. Create a new folder inside example/solr called lib. Open up example/solr/solr.xml where the cores are configured and add the sharedLib attribute

<solr persistent="false" sharedLib="./lib">

Dump all your solr jars here! There is some conflict issue with solr not loading them from the lib folder, I think thats for jetty libs.... but I wouldn't know for sure.

kunal badgujar

The war file which your server extracted doesn't have these DIH drivers in lib directory. Add it in there and that might solve your problem.

I was fighting for this for 5 hours and now it got working.
