Require.JS and JS Test Driver: Unexpected token <

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 09:44:41

I struggled with this for days and searched with Google endlessly until I finally found out what JsTestDriver was doing. In your requirejs.config, for your tests to run properly, your baseUrl needs to be:

baseUrl: /test/path/to/your/stuff

The reason is when JsTestDriver makes its server, it prepends /test/ to all the directories. If the baseUrl isn't set properly, it starts trying to send back local a reference to window I think.

The only other problem that I see you may run into is running the tests with the require statement as the first line. I have Jasmine and putting my require() at the top of my tests caused them to never run so I had to do it in my beforeEach for my tests and get the object before they ran.

I'm probably doing something wrong though I see countless other people claiming that the require statement in Jasmine works, so my hunt continues.

Have you checked your ajax responses? I just had the same thing and that '<' was from the opening doctype tag that was returned when the resource 404'd...
