ANSI 92 Recursive SQL Statement required

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-06 09:20:08

I'm tolerably certain that no recursive statements were available in SQL-92; the earliest version where that was supported was SQL-99.

Consequently, you are stuck with not using SQL-92. Why do you think SQL-92 is desirable? Is it as a base level of SQL functionality, or is there some other reason?

Current versions of DB2 have the WITH clause and can achieve recursive queries. I believe Oracle has the WITH clause too; I'm not sure whether it can achieve recursive queries using them. Oracle also has the wholly non-standard and non-relational CONNECT BY PRIOR. I'm not sure what MS SQL Server supports.

There is a reasonably strong chance that you will be unable to find a single syntax that is supported by all three of your specified DBMS.

Bill Karwin

There is no SQL-92 solution for recursive queries.

The best option is to use one of the solutions for encoding hierarchical relationships so that you can query all descendants or ancestors, using standard SQL.

See a brief description here: "What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?".

Or read "Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties" by Joe Celko.
