Having issues with ng-idle/core onIdleEnd & Mat-Dialog

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-06 07:35:10

I had the same issue. I solved it by pushing the change in angular.


{ AppplicationRef } from '@angular/core';

In the constructor of your component add ChangeDetectorRef:

constructor(private appRef: ApplicationRef)

then call it in on onIdleEnd:

this.idle.onIdleEnd.subscribe(() => {
    this.showModal = false;

StackBlitz solution.

Okay so I can't comment because I have no reputation yet, but I wanted to share how I worked around this. What I did is create a parent <div> element around my dialog title/content which calls a closeMe() function on click. This closeMe() calls the 'this.dialogRef.close()' function which actually does close the dialog box.

When the ng2-idle fires the onIdleEnd observable, I simulate the click on that parent div. To do this, I needed to 'inject' the Idle object into the dialog.

My dialog box component.ts file:

import { Component, OnInit, Inject, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material';
import { Idle } from '@ng-idle/core';

  selector: 'idle-timeout-warning-modal',
  templateUrl: './idle-timeout-warning.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./idle-timeout-warning.component.css'],
export class IdleIimeoutWarningComponent implements OnInit {
  private idle: Idle;

  public countdown: number;

  //Need this in order to close the dialog box on idle end. This is because, for some reason,
  //I cannot do a this.dialogRef.close() in the onIdleEnd subscription.
  @ViewChild('closeMeDiv') closeMeDiv: ElementRef;

    public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<IdleIimeoutWarningComponent>,
    @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any, //Data is: {"idleObj":<idle object>, "timeout":<timeoutPeriodSec (integer)>}
  ) { 
    this.idle = data.idleObj;
    this.countdown = data.timeout;

  ngOnInit() { 
    this.idle.onTimeoutWarning.subscribe((countdown: number) => {
      this.countdown = countdown;
    this.idle.onIdleEnd.subscribe(() => { 

  closeMe() {

My dialog box html file:

<div #closeMeDiv (click)="closeMe()">
    <div mat-dialog-title>
        <h3>Please move the mouse or press any key</h3>
        <hr />

    <div mat-dialog-content>
            You'll be logged out in <span class="idle-label idle-label-warning">{{countdown}}</span>
            second<span *ngIf="countdown != 1">s</span>.

Then in the idle setup function (in another service I have, where ````this.idle``` is injected in the constructor parameters):

let idleStartSec:number = 5;
let timeoutPeriodSec:number = 5;

// sets an idle timeout - will trigger timeout period
// sets a timeout period. after this amount of inactivity, the user will be considered timed out.
// sets the default interrupts, in this case, things like clicks, scrolls, touches to the document

this.idle.onIdleStart.subscribe(() => { //Fires when timeout is about to start
  this.dialogRef = this.dialog.open(IdleIimeoutWarningComponent, {
    panelClass: 'modal-lg',
    data: {"idleObj":this.idle, "timeout":timeoutPeriodSec}

this.idle.onTimeout.subscribe(() => {
  //Do other stuff here

It's strange that the direct call to this.dialogRef.close(); works in onTimeout but not in the onIdleEnd.

Anyway, hope this helps until the issue is fixed.
