managedObjectModel is nil (Cannot create an NSPersistentStoreCoordinator with a nil model)

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-06 06:46:36

First of all, make sure you never reset managedObjectModel_ to nil. Just search your source code for "managedObjectModel_ =", the only result should be in the managedObjectModel code you posted.

Secondly, make sure that managedObjectModel_ is either inaccessible from outside or (if you expose managedObjectModel as a property) readonly.

Thirdly, make sure there's one and only one instance of the class managing the Core Data stack. If it's the UIApplication delegate initialized in the main window nib, you shouldn't create it programmatically. If it's a singleton, check if there's really a single instance of it.

When you are absolutely sure everything is right, it's time to go digging deeper. You can try setting a watchpoint in GDB to managedObjectModel_.

The worst thing possibly going on in your code is a kind of memset/memmove operations which happen to overwrite memory occupied by your Core Data stack manager. But this sort of error is too random to always hit a given memory address, so I wouldn't count on it.
