Windows Azure virtual machine is slow to access network when scaling

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-06 01:13:49

one thing to consider is the per-storage-account scalability target of a storage account. With georeplication enabled, you have 10Gbps egress and 20K transactions/sec, which you could be bumping into. Figure with 150 instances, you could potentially be pulling 150 x 100Mbps, or 15Gbps as all of your instances are starting up.

Not sure about the "mounted VHD" part of your question. With Azure's drive-mounting, only one virtual machine instance can mount to a drive at any given time. For this type of file-copy operation, typically you'd grab a file directly from a storage blob, rather than a file stored in a vhd (which, in turn, is stored in a page blob).

EDIT: Just wanted to mention that an individual blob is limited to 60MB/sec (also mentioned in the blog post I referenced). This could also be related to your throttling.


The VM sizes each have their own bandwidth limitations.

| VM Size       | Bandwidth     |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| Extra Small   | 5 (Mbps)      |
| Small         | 100 (Mbps)    |
| Medium        | 200 (Mbps)    |
| Large         | 400 (Mbps)    |
| Extra Large   | 800 (Mbps)    |

I suspect you always have one copy of your mounted VHD and have ~150 instances hitting it. Increasing the VM size of the VM hosting the VHD would be a good test but an expensive solution. Longer term put the files in blob storage. That means modifying your scripts to access RESTful endpoints.

It might be easiest to create 2-3 drives on 2-3 different VMs and write a script that ensures they have the same files. Your scripts could randomly hit one of the 2-3 mounted VHDs to spread out the load.

Here are the most recent limitations per VM size. Unfortunately this table doesn't include network bandwidth:


p.s. I got the bandwidths from a PowerPoint slide in the Microsoft provided Azure Training Kit dated January 2013.
