Parsing osm.pbf data using GDAL/OGR python module

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-05 23:46:00

Thanks to scai's answer I was able to figure it out.

The special reading pattern required for interleaved reading that is mentioned in is translated into a working python example that can be found below.

This is an example of how to extract all features in an .osm.pbf file that have the 'amenity=pub' tag

import gdal, ogr

gdal.SetConfigOption('OGR_INTERLEAVED_READING', 'YES')
osm = ogr.Open('file.osm.pbf')

# Grab available layers in file
nLayerCount = osm.GetLayerCount()

thereIsDataInLayer = True

pubs = []

while thereIsDataInLayer:

    thereIsDataInLayer = False

    # Cycle through available layers
    for iLayer in xrange(nLayerCount):


        # Get first feature from layer
        feat = lyr.GetNextFeature()

        while (feat is not None):

             thereIsDataInLayer = True

             #Do something with feature, in this case store them in a list
             if feat.GetField('amenity') == 'pub':

             #The destroy method is necessary for interleaved reading

             feat = lyr.GetNextFeature()

As far as I understand it, a while-loop is needed instead of a for-loop because when using the interleaved reading method, it is impossible to obtain the featurecount of a collection.

More clarification on why this piece of code works like it does would be greatly appreciated.
