LFS: Git credentials for..XXXX..not found. Your user name must be of the form DOMAIN\\user

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 19:13:11

This error comes from LFS extension if you have logged in to TFS without specifying domain name, and you are trying to push a large file. Go to Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager, Windows Credentials tab and remove credentials stored for TFS server. When you git push again from command line, you will be prompted for your credentials. Specify your user name with the domain: DOMAIN\USER

Since version 2.4.0 Git-Lfs comes with NTLM support. With this you no longer need to use the basic authentication fallback by setting the credentials in the Windows Credential Manager and Git-Lfs should work out of the box with TFS on-prem.
